Golf Themed Handmade 1st Birthday Card: Hope Your Birthday is a Hole in One!

This post will walk you through a step by step tutorial to make this DIY birthday card that says “Hope your birthday is a hole in one!”.

Who doesn’t love a good pun birthday card? This fun and colorful handmade 1st birthday card is easy to make and will be a big hit at any birthday party. This post will walk you through a step by step tutorial to make this DIY birthday card that says “Hope your birthday is a hole in one!”.

Let’s be real, a first birthday card is just as much for the parents (if not more) than the birthday girl or boy. However, making a handmade birthday card shows them both that you care. It is also the kind of card that will get saved for years as a memory as well!

Supplies needed to make this handmade 1st birthday card

Here are all of the supplies you’ll need to recreate this DIY birthday card design.

  • 2 types of patterned paper
  • 1 piece of plain colored paper
  • Letter stickers
  • Hot glue (or other adhesive)
  • Scissors
  • Pencil (Optional)

Step by step to make this handmade 1st birthday card

Here are the simple steps you can take to recreate this DIY golf themed birthday card.

1. Fold the base of your card

The first step to make this handmade 1st birthday card is to fold the base of the card. The card in the photo was made using a 12 in. x 12 in. piece of patterned cardstock folded in half as the base.

Using a larger sheet of paper vs. a traditional 8.5 in x 11 in. gives it a more fun feel which is perfect for a kid’s birthday card.

2. Create your words using letter stickers

Next, you will create the words for the card to say “Hoping your first birthday is a hole in one!”

Use glitter letter stickers to spell out the phrase on a piece of contrasting colored cardstock. Once you have all of the words spelled out, cut the words into pieces so that each segment is a single word or two.

3. Create the number “1”

Once you have your phrase set to go, the next step to make this handmade 1st birthday card is to create the number “1” using another piece of patterned cardstock.

Top tip: When choosing a second pattern to use for the number, the key to mixing it with the base will be selecting a pattern that has a similar color palette. For example, in the photo you can see the shades in the polka dot background can also be found in the number “1”.

You can cut the number out of cardstock freehand, but I find it to be a lot easier to write out the number using a pencil so you can adjust as needed before actually cutting it out. You’ll want the number to be a large part of the card, so about 5 inches tall and a few inches wide.

Once your number is cut out of the pattered paper, you will add the solid outline to accent the number. Glue the number on to a plain piece of paper using hot glue or other adhesive. Then, trim around the number to leave a thin outline of plain paper around it.

4. Glue all of your pieces to the card

The last step to make this handmade 1st birthday card is to glue all of the pieces you created in steps 2 and 3 on to the card. Before actually gluing them to the card, lay it out on the card base to make sure it all fits and you like how it is laid out.

To give it a more fun look since it is a kid’s birthday card, you can have some of the words slightly tilted instead of perfectly straight.

Once you have everything laid out how you like it, use hot glue or another adhesive to glue all of your pieces on to the card.

Now your DIY birthday card design is ready to go!

All you have to do now is write a personal message inside the card and stick it in an envelope. Whether the parents are big golf fans, it’s a golf themed party, or you just want to make fun gift this birthday card will be a crowd pleaser.

If you try this design, let us know in the comments how it turns out!

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