How to Make a Tiered Cake Greeting Card for Birthday

If you want to make a simple but beautiful DIY birthday card, use this post to make a tired cake greeting card for birthday. You…

If you want to make a simple but beautiful DIY birthday card, use this post to make a tired cake greeting card for birthday. You can make this card in as little as 10 minutes, but the handmade effort you put in will be really meaningful to the recipient.

Supplies needed to make this tired cake greeting card for birthday:

  • 1 piece of white cardstock
  • 3 different pieces of patterned paper
  • Sticker letters
  • Hot glue gun
  • Scissors

Click here to shop for all of the supplies you need to make this card

To make the card in the picture, I used three different pieces of patterned paper to construct the cake. You can use any three patterns that you want to personalize the card to your style or the recipient’s favorite colors. The key to mixing patterns and having them look great together is choosing patterns in the same color palette. So for example, all of the patterns in the picture are in a pink, white, and gold palette.

Let’s get into the steps to make this tiered cake greeting card for birthday

1. Fold the white paper in half

The very first step to making this card is super simple. Fold an 8.5 x 11 inch piece of white cardstock in half to make a vertical card that is 5.5 x 11 inches.

2. Cut out strips of pattern paper to make the cake

The next step to make this tiered cake greeting card for birthday is to cut out your strips of patterned paper that will make up the cake. You’ll want to cut the strips about 3/4 of an inch high and then the length will vary as you move up the cake.

First pattern: Two strips, one about 3 inches and the other about 1.5 inches

Second pattern: Two strips, one about 2.5 inches and the other about 1 inch

Third pattern: One strip about 2 inches long

3. Glue your patterned strips on to the card

Next, you will assemble those strips you cut in the last step to make up the cake on the card. Assemble them from largest to smallest about centered on the card. Gluing them with a hot glue gun will ensure they hold well, but you can use any paper adhesive of your choice.

4. Add “Happy Birthday” under the cake

The next step to making this tiered cake greeting card for birthday is to add the happy birthday message under the cake. I used gold letters to make the card in the picture, but you can choose whichever color you think will go the best on your own card. Really make it your own!

5. Put some candles on the cake

The finishing touch to making this card is to put some candles on your tiered cake. You can do this in a few ways. I used lower case “i” sticker letters in white for the candle and apostrophe gold letter sticks for the flame. You can also use markers to draw in candles or buy candle stickers.

Now your tiered cake greeting card for birthday is all set and ready to go!

All you have to do now is add your own birthday message to the recipient inside the card and put it in an envelope.

Supplies needed to make this tiered cake greeting card for birthday.

Shop all of the supplies you need for this card on Amazon:

Personalize this card and make it your own

The great thing about making a handmade birthday card is that you can customize it to your own style and the recipient’s personality. Here are a few ways you can make this card personalized:

  • Pick colors and patterns that speak to your style
  • Use letter stickers in different colors or styles
  • Customize the “Happy birthday” message to be more personal to the recipient like adding their name

You can really get creative and make this card your own.